Plasma TV Lifespan

I know a lot of folks out there who believe that Plasma televisions have horrendous lifespan. In fact, a friend of mine claims that a Plasma TV has a lifespan of just 5 years, and here’s the funny thing…The guy doesn’t even own a Plasma TV! What the heck does he know about its lifespan huh?

See, the truth is a Plasma television’s lifespan is excellent, especially if it is well cared and maintained. Plus, television manufacturers are tapping into some pretty exciting and perpetually advancing technology that’s capable of churning out the latest Plasma TVs that possess better features as well as much improved lifespan. 
If you ask any Plasma TV manufacturers out there what’s the average lifespan of a Plasma television set, I’m sure they will tell you that it’s around 60,000 hours, give or take. Now, 60, 000 hours is respectable. With that amount, you can expect about two to two and a half decades of viewing enjoyment after which the visual quality of the Plasma TV will begin to deteriorate.

 You ought to know that 60,000 hours of viewing is possible because of technological improvements that have been made of the years. Back when the technology was still new, the expected lifespan of a Plasma TV was merely 30, 000 hours. That’s a whopping 50% improvement!

Now, even if your Plasma TV’s screen begins to dim after numerous hours of viewing, you don’t necessarily have to replace it with a brand new TV set. Some Plasma TV models actually allow you to change the light source. This approach effectively increases the TV’s lifespan, and you get to save some money as well.

When it comes to extending the lifespan of Plasma TVs, there are some latest technologies available to help you do that. One of the technologies is known as pixel orbiter. See, what this thing does is when a static picture shows up onscreen; it’ll swap the color of adjacent pixels in a prompt fashion so the viewer won’t be able to see the process. Basically, this process substantially minimizes the risk of burn-in.

Anti-burn technology is awesome because it helps extend the lifespan of a Plasma TV. It does so by improving pixel health and this in turn, helps to extend the lifespan. This technology has the capability to locate pixels that have been on for an extended period of time. Once it has located those pixels, it will turn them off temporarily. Temporary shutdown for these pixels is essential for keeping burn-in from occurring.

My Advice to All Plasma Television Viewers

Try to watch movies and TV shows exclusively in widescreen format, that’s my advice. Widescreen format is best because it keeps the difference in quality from manifesting between the outer pixels and the inner pixels.

 My next advice is to go easy with the brightness level. The lower it is, the better, basically. Brightness reduction is good because it doesn’t burden the phosphors and pixels. The lifespan of Plasma TV can decrease if the pixels and phosphors are being burdened on a regular basis.

My final advice is to display your Plasma TV in an area that has very good ventilation. A well-ventilated area keeps the TV’s internal cooling components from being overworked, so the phosphors can keep running for a longer period of time.